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La Femme Frankl

Otherwise known as the other ‘arf of Team Twins on Bullrun… Annabelle Frankl (yep, also known as the First Lady of Arrests) has just published her account of her antics with her brother / Olympian / Cad.. Nicholas Frankl on Bullrun this year in a Mitsubishi Evo….

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Cops, Cars and Superstars 5

As we’ve noted previously the next series of Cops, Cars and Superstars…series 5 hits the UK on Channel 4 in the very near future. The TV networks in the Middle East have stepped up really early this year to purchase the hit series and Bullrun fans in all of the following countries will be getting […]

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Bullrun 2008: Hottest Ride Award

Our good friend Andre Betz driver of probably the sickest R8 in North America quite rightly advised us we forget his mention in the awards round up. Andre won the Hottest Wheels awards which was sponsored and awarded by West Coats Customs. He won the heaviest trophy we think we’ve ever seen…not bad for a […]

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